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Quality Education Fund 25th Anniversary Folder Design Competition

To encourage primary and secondary school students to unleash their creativity and artistic potential, as well as to promote the outcomes of quality education funded by the QEF, a competitionentitled “QEF 25th Anniversary Folder Design Competition” will be held. All primary, secondary and special school students can participate as individuals and submit one entry through his / her school.

Division and Eligibility

To encourage primary and secondary school students to unleash their creativity and artistic potential, as well as to promote the deliverables of the QEF, a competition entitled “QEF 25th Anniversary Folder Design Competition” will be held. All primary, secondary and special school students can participate as individuals and submit one entry through his / her school.

The Competition consists of four divisions, namely, lower primary, upper primary, junior secondary and senior secondary. Each school could select the best three entries in each division for the Competition.

Division* Entry Mode Remarks
Lower Primary
(Primary 1 – 3)
By individual entry and submit ONE entry through his / her school The QEF Secretariat encourages schools to organise an internal competition to select the best three entries in each division for the Competition
Upper Primary
(Primary 4 – 6)
Junior Secondary
(Secondary 1 – 3)
Senior Secondary
(Secondary 4 – 6)

Theme and Suggested Content

  • The design of the folder must highlight the QEF characteristics and appeal to the public to scan the QR code of the QEF Cyber Resource Centre (QCRC) website for viewing the deliverables funded by the QEF. Participants could visit the QEF website and QCRC website for more information on QEF.
  • (a) The design should include the following elements:
  • Sample Layout

Format of Entries

  • The entries must be in colour. If the design includes any text, such content should be in Chinese or English language.
  • Students can use hand drawings with the use of crayons, watercolour, coloured pencil, etc. They can also use electronic drawings or collage to design the entry.
  • The entries should be drawn on a blank sheet in A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm). Only single-sided design should be submitted.
  • Participating schools must provide the design concept provided by students with no more than 50 words in Chinese or 100 words in English in the online application form.
  • The folder must not contain or quote the names, labels and trademarks of people, schools, companies and brands, etc. In addition, participants are not allowed to add text, symbols or pictures that represent personal information, such as signatures, borders and watermarks, in their entries.

Registration Procedures

Registration Arrangement
  • All entries must be submitted by the schools.
  • Participating schools may apply for the Competition via the online application form for Primary Schools and Secondary Schools).
Point to Note
  • Each participating school should only apply and submit entry to the activity page once. No amendments or replacements are allowed after the submission.
  • Each participating school should scan and upload not more than three entries in each division to the activity page. Also, each participating school must fill in the registration form and declaration on the activity page.
  • If schools are eligible for both the primary and secondary school divisions, the schools should submit the registration form and upload entries separately for both divisions.
Completed application form should be submitted on or before 30 November 2022 (Wednesday) (23:59 HKT) through the activity page. Entries sent by post or submitted in person will NOT be accepted.
The entry submission time will be based on the date and time indicated in the QEF Secretariat’s server system. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

After registration, participating schools will receive the confirmation of registration through email provided in the application by 9 December 2022 (Friday).

Those who do not receive the above by then should contact Mr Derek LEUNG at 2123 6050.

Submission Requirements

  • All the entries submitted should be original works created by the entrants and have never been published or submitted for other similar competitions.
  • The following technical requirements shall apply to all the entry submission :
    • Format: PDF (resolution with no less than 300 dpi) / JPEG, PNG or TIFF format (no less than 2480 x 3508 pixels)
    • File Size: no more than 10MB
    • File Names:

      School Name_Student Name
      (e.g.:Hang Ten School_Chan Tai Ming)

Judging Criteria

The judging panel consists of QEF Committee Members and EDB representatives. Entries will be assessed on the following four criteria:

Criteria Weighting
Relevancy to the theme (extent to highlight the characteristics of QEF and attract the public to visit the QCRC website for viewing the deliverables funded by the QEF) 25%
Creativity (originality, combination of old ideas into new ideas)) 25%
Art elements and principles of design (form, focus, balance and colour) 25%
Production techniques (techniques used in drawing) 25%
  • The awarded entries may be produced into different publicity materials, e.g. folder, poster etc. The entries may also be uploaded to QEF website, QEF Cyber Resource Centre and activity page.

Awards and Prizes

  • Results are to be announced on the activity page in February 2023. Winners will receive email notifications and invitations to the award presentation ceremony.
    Award Number of Awardees Prize
    Cash Vouchers Trophy and Certificates
    Champion 1 entry HK$1,500 Book Coupon A trophy and a certificate
    1st Runner-up HK$1,000 Book Coupon
    2nd Runner-up HK$800 Book Coupon
    Merit Award 5 entries HK$200 Book Coupon
  • All participating schools who submitted eligible entries will receive a souvenir.
  • QEF Secretariat will notify the awardees to submit the original drawing upon result announcement. The original drawing will not be returned.

Important Dates

Date Details
30 November 2022
(23:59 HKT)
Closing of registration
February 2023 Announcement of Competition results on the activity page
March 2023* Prize presentation ceremony cum entries exhibition

*Winners of the Competition will be notified of the detailed information upon result announcement.