Thematic Dissemination Activities
The QEF organizes a series of thematic dissemination activities regularly with specific themes such as effective learning and life education to disseminate the good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing. Different modes of sharing are adopted such as lectures, lesson observation, post-lesson discussion and hands-on practice.
Two projects were conducted in this activity. The first project aimed at enhancing primary students’ analytical skills, independent thinking and capability in project learning through science exploration and model design. The second projects...
Two projects were conducted in this activity. The first project aimed at enhancing kindergarten pupils’ speaking and listening skills. It catered for the diverse learning abilities of pupils through provision of teacher training...
Two projects were conducted in this activity. The first project aimed at enhancing children’s awareness of the importance of regular exercise through home-school co-operation in the promotion of gymnastics. The second project aimed at...
Two projects were conducted in this activity. The first project aimed at designing an integrated curriculum of citizenship, drama education and the related action research. The curriculum of citizenship was taught in a creative...
Two projects were conducted in this activity. The first project aimed at engaging students in community services and project learning so that they could develop generic skills and foster positive attitude and values....