Thematic Dissemination Activities
The QEF organizes a series of thematic dissemination activities regularly with specific themes such as effective learning and life education to disseminate the good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing. Different modes of sharing are adopted such as lectures, lesson observation, post-lesson discussion and hands-on practice.
The New Secondary School (NSS) Curriculum introduced Liberal Studies (LS) as a core subject in Secondary 4-6. Of the 270 hours of instructional time, 90 were devoted to Independent Enquiry Study (IES), which was...
QEF has launched the project theme of “Use of New Technology for School Administrative Work” since 2007. The project aimed at enhancing the efficiency in administrative work and reducing teachers’ workload through...
Quality Education Fund (QEF) invited the STEP Center for Child Development to share with schools the experience of implementing their QEF project, especially the introduction of distinguishing pupils with Asperger’s syndrome, hyperactive...
Arts & Technology Education Centre and the Quality Education Fund jointly organised this sharing session. The aim of the activity was to share the experiences gained from the implementation of General Studies...
Two projects were conducted in this activity. The first project aimed at enhancing knowledge of polar science, environmental protection and civic education through talks and exhibition about polar expedition. The project leader /speaker...