
Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks (QTNs)

The QEF Thematic Network was initiated in 2006 to disseminate good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing through networking different schools and educational bodies. For more details on QTNs in the 2024/25 school year, kindergartens, primary, secondary and special schools, please browse EDB Circular Memorandum No.23/2024.

  • QEF Thematic Network on “Facilitating STEM Education at the Upper Primary Level through Robotic Activities” (2021/22)

  • STEAM Education
  • Co-ordinator : Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College

This QTN aims at promoting STEM education through equipping teachers of participating schools with the knowledge and skills of designing robotic-related learning activities to arouse students’ interest in STEM education. During the project period, regular inter-school sharing and discussion sessions will be conducted to enhance teachers' professional development. The learning community so established under the QTN will be maintained after the completion of this project for sustaining exchange among teachers and professional development. Participating schools can continue to use the equipment purchased under the QTN by the co-ordinating school.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Positive Education for Whole Child Development” (2021/22)

  • Pre-primary EducationValues Education
  • Co-ordinator : Centre for University and School Partnership, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

This QTN aims at encouraging schools to promote positive education and culture so as to cultivate a positive attitude among children towards learning and life; assisting schools to strengthen home-school co-operation to foster whole child development; and promoting professional sharing through networking different schools for capacity building of teachers and schools, which will lay a foundation for the establishment of school network for sustainable development in the future.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Issue-based Exploration to Foster Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Positive Values – “Cognition; Thinking; Experience and Application”” (2021/22)

  • Liberal Studies
  • Co-ordinator : Sha Tin Methodist College

This QTN aims at enhancing teachers’ professional capacity for integrating knowledge, skills, attitude and action into the learning and teaching of Citizenship and Social Development. In addition to developing students’ knowledge and skills, the Citizenship and Social Development curriculum also includes exploratory activities and practical applications for students’ internalisation of values and the concept of sustainable development learned. The project will enhance teachers’ understanding of issue-inquiry learning so as to foster students’ critical thinking skills and positive values. Collaborative lesson planning, observation and review of lessons will be arranged to enhance teachers’ professional growth.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Systematic Analysis for Enhancing Assessment Literacy through Assessment as Learning” (2021/22)

  • Assessment Literacy
  • Co-ordinator : S.K.H. Tin Shui Wai Ling Oi Primary School

This QTN aims at helping participating schools construct school-based assessment objective lists and an assessment analysis system so as to develop assessment literacy; analyse quantitative and qualitative assessment data; collect students’ performance data with diversified assessment tools such as STAR, formative assessment, examinations, Basic Competency Assessment and lesson activities; enhance students’ ability by integrating different teaching materials sourced from platforms such as Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS) and provide effective feedback to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching. Relevant information will be disseminated to parents of the participating schools to help them understand the teaching mode. Professional development activities, including sharing sessions, workshops, collaborative lesson planning, lesson observation and evaluation, will be organised for teachers of the participating schools.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Promoting Assessment for Learning and Assessment as Learning through School-based Subjects Hierarchical Knowledge/Competency Framework to Cater for Learner Diversity” (2021/22)

  • Assessment Literacy
  • Co-ordinator : Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School

This QTN aims at promoting Assessment for Learning and Assessment as Learning with the use of school-based subject hierarchical knowledge/competency framework. Teachers of participating schools refine the design of lessons and assessment through attending workshops, co-planning meetings and lesson observations, etc. With a view to enhancing teachers’ assessment literacy, catering for learner diversity and enhancing students’ self-directed learning capabilities, the teaching design will be developed and the design of school-based curriculum and the strategies of learning, teaching and assessment will be enhanced.
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