
Quality Education Fund Thematic Networks (QTNs)

The QEF Thematic Network was initiated in 2006 to disseminate good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing through networking different schools and educational bodies. For more details on QTNs in the 2024/25 school year, kindergartens, primary, secondary and special schools, please browse EDB Circular Memorandum No.23/2024.

  • QEF Thematic Network on “Web-Based Learning for Students with Diverse Needs (Reading and Writing) at the Junior Secondary Level/Senior Primary Level” (2022/23)

  • Co-ordinator : Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong

This QTN aims at establishing a school network in supporting the diverse learning needs (reading and writing) of junior secondary students/senior primary students. Through different kinds of training such as workshops and lesson observations, teachers’ professional capacity for applying various learning and teaching strategies in reading and writing will be enhanced. To cater for learner diversity, new information technology elements in learning materials will be incorporated.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Promoting Wellness in School” (2022/23)

  • Co-ordinator : The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong

This QTN aims at helping participating schools develop into well-being-first schools where the well-being of students is the top priority. This QTN will also incorporate mental wellbeing education into school curriculum so as to nurture and strengthen resilience of students in biological, psychological and social aspects.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Robot in STEM cum STEM Education Resource Hub” (2022/23)

  • Co-ordinator : Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College

This QTN aims at promoting STEM education through equipping teachers of participating schools with the knowledge and skills of designing robotic-related learning activities to arouse students’ interest in STEM education. During the project period, QTN coordinator will conduct regular interschool sharing and discussion sessions to enhance teachers' professional development. The learning community established under the QTN will be maintained after the completion of this project so as to sustain professional exchange and development among teachers. QTN coordinator will also allow teachers and students of participating schools and other schools to use the equipment purchased under the STEM Education Resource Hub established by the coordinating school continuously.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “Positive Education for Whole Child Development” (2022/23)

  • Co-ordinator : Centre for University and School Partnership, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

This QTN aims at promoting positive education and culture so as to cultivate a positive attitude among children towards learning and life. The QTN assists schools to strengthen home-school co-operation to foster whole child development. The QTN coordinator will also promote professional sharing through networking different schools for enhancing teachers’ professional development.
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  • QEF Thematic Network on “AI STEM Education Curriculum for Positive Education cum STEM Education Resource Hub” (2022/23)

  • Co-ordinator : HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School

This QTN aims at developing STEM education with artificial intelligence (AI) and establishing Design Thinking application tool kit for STEM Education. The QTN fosters the development of students’ growth mindset and creative thinking through design tasks. The QTN also promotes STEM education to different stakeholders by setting up a STEM Education Resource Hub and opening special room, and providing teacher training and student workshops.
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