
  • Joyful@School Campaign
  • Project Period: 2018-01-01 To 2018-12-31
  • Grantee: St. James' Settlement
  • Beneficiary: Secondary
  • All life deserves respect and dignity - related to the “Joyful@School Campaign”
  • Project Period: 2018-01-01 To 2018-12-31
  • Grantee: St. James' Settlement
  • Beneficiary: Secondary
  • Campus TV: Enabling Diversified Student Learning Skills and Enhancing Teaching and Learning
  • Project Period: 2018-01-01 To 2018-10-31
  • Grantee: Tai Po Sam Yuk Secondary School
  • Beneficiary: Secondary
  • Project NET Project of media literacy enhancement
  • Project Period: 2018-01-01 To 2020-12-31
  • Grantee: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Media Counseling Centre
  • Beneficiary: Primary,Secondary
  • Early identification and intervention of youth suicide clusters in Hong Kong
  • Project Period: 2018-01-01 To 2022-02-28
  • Grantee: The University of Hong Kong - The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention
  • Beneficiary: Secondary