
Bridging Digital Divide: STEM and A.I. Education with Life Planning Experience

The project aims to develop secondary students' and teachers' understanding of the innovative technology and keep them abreast of the rapid technological development through enriching the STEM education at schools by introducing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) education in S3 and providing relevant professional development opportunities for teachers. 480 students and 24 teachers from 8 collaborating schools will directly benefit from the project activities. The proposed deliverables include STEM and AI learning and teaching materials, an online platform and teacher training.

Project Period :
2021-07-01 To 2023-06-30

Project Nature:
Information Technology

STEM Education

Computer-assisted Teaching and Learning (e.g. Multimedia Presentation, Specific Teaching Package)

Applicant Sector:
Tertiary Education


Project No.:

Grant Approved: