
Promoting STEM Education through Learning and Teaching Mathematical Modeling and its Application

The project aims at advancing teachers' pedagogy in facilitating students' learning of mathematical modelling and its application; promoting students' learning of mathematics as an important component of STEM and nurturing in them values, knowledge & skills for solving real world problems; promoting STEM education in secondary schools through implementing mathematical modelling and its application, as well as connecting it with other KLAs such as science and technology.

Project Period :
2017-11-01 To 2021-06-30

Project Nature:
Effective Learning

Enhancing Learning and Teaching, and Assessment Literacy with a view to Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes in Primary General Studies, Key Learning Areas/ Subject Curricula, and Liberal Studies

Pedagogy/Teaching Resources/Learning and Teaching Resources

Applicant Sector:
Tertiary Education


Project No.:

Grant Approved: