The proposed project aims at enhancing students' learning interest and their understanding of Mathematical concepts as well as teachers' professional capacity in adopting e-learning through developing interactive courseware for P1 – P6 students by using GeoGebra and establishing a professional learning community for primary Mathematics teachers.
The project introduces a cross-curricular theme-based curriculum called HALM, which incorporates Humanities (H), Art (A), Literature and Language (L) and Moral Education (M). The aim is to promote cross-curricular reading and a balanced development of the brain, as well as to cultivate reading, thinking, creativity and values.
The project aims at enhancing students' interest and hands-on experience in science and technology as well as nurturing students' creativity and problem-solving skills through conducting interactive STEM activities and developing a school-based STEM education resource bank.
The project aims at enhancing primary school students' interest and ability in learning classical Chinese literature through developing a school-based curriculum and applying drama-in-education strategies.
To enhance students’ Chinese language proficiency, learning motivation and interests, the Five Districts Business Welfare Association Chow Chin Yau School has conducted a QEF project to help teachers to develop a set of school-based primary one to six Chinese Language teaching and learning materials.