
  • Joyful@School Campaign
  • Project Period: 2018-05-01 To 2019-04-30
  • Grantee: Bethel High School
  • Beneficiary: Secondary
  • Self-Directed Learning for English Language
  • Project Period: 2018-05-01 To 2019-08-31
  • Grantee: Lung Kong World Federation School Limited Lau Wong Fat Secondary School
  • Beneficiary: Secondary
  • Scientific Fitness Centre for Shatin District
  • Project Period: 2018-05-01 To 2019-01-31
  • Grantee: Chinese YMCA College
  • Beneficiary: Primary,Secondary
  • Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial School Joyful@ School - related to the Joyful@School Campaign
  • Project Period: 2018-04-01 To 2019-03-31
  • Grantee: St. James' Settlement
  • Beneficiary: Secondary
  • Campus Alliance - related to the “Joyful@School Campaign”
  • Project Period: 2018-04-01 To 2019-03-31
  • Grantee: Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service
  • Beneficiary: Secondary