The project aims at developing a school-based, theory-driven Chinese reading programme for 40 P.2 South Asian students from 4 primary schools through teaching them phonetic radicals, orthographic phonologic correspondence rules (OPC rules) and enriching their morphological awareness; developing a teacher manual for this school-based remedial programme, establishing a digital hub for uploading and downloading supporting materials for schools using this programme and an e-learning site for teachers and professionals to refresh their understanding of theories underlying the programme. Major deliverables include a school-based Chinese reading training package and an e-learning platform for users to share their teaching materials and implementation experiences, and professionals to use the remedial programme.
Designing and developing an effective feedback system to assess Secondary One students’ writing performance in 8 collaborating schools. The objectives of the project include investigating and analyzing on the current issues faced by teachers and students in feedback in students’ writing; enhance teachers’ professional development in quality feedback giving; promoting school-based experiences and collaborative lesson planning, thus contributing to the ultimate aim of enhancing Assessment for Learning in practical classroom settings.
The project aims at developing a framework for students' multi-level processing competency of multi-source information in integrated language tasks in secondary schools; producing a teaching package with learning materials and teaching strategies developed in accordance with such competency framework; piloting the package in 12 participating secondary schools and collecting feedback for its refinement; and enhancing about 36 teachers' teaching skills and assessment literacy through professional development activities like workshops, inter-school exchange, piloting and adapting the teaching package to cater for their school-based needs.