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Thematic Dissemination Activities

Thematic Dissemination Activities

Thematic Dissemination Activities
The QEF organizes a series of thematic dissemination activities regularly with specific themes such as effective learning and life education to disseminate the good practices derived from QEF projects and promote professional sharing. Different modes of sharing are adopted such as lectures, lesson observation, post-lesson discussion and hands-on practice.

  • Effective Learning : “Augmented Reality Models for Enhanced Learning Experience of Physics Concepts”( 24 November 2022)

  • For details, please refer to Chinese version.

  • Effective Learning: "A Study of Three Character Classic and Modern Society" (29 November 2021)

  • For details and enrolment method, please refer to Chinese version.

  • Effective Learning: An Intervention to Improve Students’ English Writing Competence Through Teaching Self-regulated Reading and Writing Strategies (2 August 2021)

  • QEF now invites Centre for Language Education and Multiliteracies Research, Faculty of Education from The Chinese University of Hong Kong to conduct a sharing on 2 August 2021 (Monday). “An Intervention to...

  • Effective Learning: Interactive Learning Dome (7 Oct 2020)

  • Co-ordinator : Newman Catholic College
  • The proposed project aims at promoting STEM education and nurturing students' creativity and problem solving skills through building Interactive Learning Domes with microcomputers and sensors to conduct STEM learning activities.

  • Effective Learning: Multiple Intelligence Development - Coding and Robot Curriculum (7 Oct 2020)

  • Co-ordinator : Man Kiu Association Primary School
  • The project aims at nurturing students' multiple intelligence and enhancing their problem-solving skills and computational thinking, through implementing coding and robotics programmes and developing a school-based creative technology curriculum.